Thursday, October 27, 2011

Xenophyophores; But Don't Be Scared Away Yet!

I know, I know, freakishly long science names can be a little daunting. But do not fear, friends, for science, if broken down, can be quite simple.
Xenophyophores are unicellular organisms, types of amoebas, really, that are known to be the largest single-celled organisms ever found. They live in water and were first thought to be sea sponges due to their massive size. Recently, they were found six miles below the surface in the Mariana Trench, spotted by National Geographic.
Xenophyophores are truly amazing in that they can survive in the most brutal conditions, able to live off of sediment and tolerating high levels of heavy metals.
The world is truly a miraculous place. If we stop to look around for a while, we might realize it.

Until next time,

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